4 thoughts on “Jesse Gish

  1. Hope the first couple of days in Guatemala have been a good experience. I will be praying for your group. Can’t wait to hear about your experience. Mrs. Hoyer


  2. Ditto that and glad to see Joni’s post here. Loved seeing the look on your face in Denise’s picture with all the kids–easy to tell you’re very glad to be back there, Jess, and I’m sure you are working hard and making a difference. I pray that you have many insightful breakthroughs in your Bible study giving you some concentrated inner growth in your spirit while you are there… And please, no tree climbing, k? (Suffering this remark earns ya one free cheap shot 😀 ) LoveU4ever&ever, Mom


  3. So happy that you are back there! I wish I could be there with all of you, but I also trust that all the right people are there. As you go into house dedications tomorrow, be a leader and show all these new kids how to pray and pray and pray….


  4. We had a perfect day today, kinda like a Guatemala weather day. I struggled in prayer today (Wed.) sensing great fatigue, in the team maybe? so pray/ed you are not sick and that healing comes for those who might be. You know the drills, so remind people to not forget to reapply their sunblock, and to drink, drink, drink! It is so easy for us to take pure water for granted, isn’t it? Handsome got outside the fence the other day and crossed the street again. I found out when I heard neighbors calling for him. I don’t know where he got out though, so until then and it’s fixed, I am leashing him each time he goes out. He misses you, too. It’s very late here, so gotta go. Miss you, but have enjoyed the quiet—just imagine: Dusty drums!
    LoveU4ever 😀


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